In spite of everything that’s going on, this is still an exiting time to be bask in opportunities. I’ve learned to cherish every moment as a gift from God. Never sit on your gift. Opportunity is like the early morning dew, if to “sleep” to long, you’ll miss it.

We are a few months into filming of TRIAL OF INJUSTICE. Here is the blurb to give you an understanding of the film that will debut around the fall of next year.


On a Thursday morning in Banker, Alabama the body of a twenty-one year-old woman was discovered murdered. After the police and forensics inspected, with the help of eyewitnesses and fingerprints, the man responsible for the heinous crime was identified as Pastor Thaddeus Ganvis. Charles ‘Esquire’ Everson, a man gifted with determination and an avenger of truth, became the most prestigious and sought after lawyer in the state of Alabama, due to his unwavering litigation skills. After finishing another victorious case, he returned to his office. As the day continued, he found himself logging into Facebook, and nearly dropped his phone when he discovered that his former pastor was arrested for first-degree murder. Without a second thought, he flew to Banker, Alabama to prove the innocence of a godly man. Along the way he discovers the opposition that threatens.

Below is a trailer preview.

FALL OF 2022