A Pastor’s Child


A pastor’s son or daughter is labeled before they make their first mistake. Ebony understood the responsibility that came with being a pastor’s daughter. She never thought that her emotions would lead her to a lustful place.

Lust is more than sex. Lust is a strong urgent desire to possesses. Many individuals lust over things and people. When lust is present, the individual is blind to their own ways, and controlled by their obsession.

Ebony had a secret….

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The Tongue of the Wise

I’m excited about this upcoming book. Many people don’t realize the importance of words, and how they shape our reality. You must be mindful of how you approach and interact with people. Choose your words carefully.(verbal, text message, email, etc.) Your reality is shaped by your spoken and unspoken(thoughts) words.


Book Chat with Author George A. Stringer


1. Tell us about your book. A young man who is battling peer pressure while juggling his faith. One day he met a young female who snatched his focus away from the church and toward the darkness of peer pressure.

2. What made you desire to write this book? To share my faith through my characters without forcing a doctrine. I use certain topics to show people that you can come out of any situation that is thrown across your path as long as you have faith.

3. How has this book impacted your life? It encouraged my to tackles my fears, and to always keep my head up. I learned that mistakes will happen as long as you’re human. But God did not make us to be controlled by mistakes. We must learn from those mistakes and avoid duplication.

4. What do you hope readers take from your book? That you get a second chance in life even when mistakes are thrown across your path. You have the power to shift your life into the light of understanding, and to live above misfortunes.

5. Who is the most influential person in your life? My parents. They always encouraged me to travail through opposition.

6. If your book was made in to a movie, is there a particular actress that you’ll love to play your part?
Tom Cruise because he’s fearless and brings his character to life.

7. Do you have any regrets? No. Everything that happened in my life was supposed to happen. God doesn’t make mistakes.

8.What’s your favorite movie? Why did you choose this one? Burn Notice. Because it’s an encouraging movie.

9. What’s your favorite type of music? Contemporary and gospel.

10. Final words. Through the website below. Don’t take for granted the life you have in life and don’t allow peer pressure to take you down a path or regret.



Utilizing Your GIFTS to advance the KINGDOM

This is our most inspirational release. All pre orders should arrive in the mail soon. Special thanks to the wonderful co-authors and their words of inspiration.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a faith instilled book. The world is overtaken by chairs and evil. The horror that exist in society can easily make someone throw in the towel.

But with a renewed mind, those of faith can transcend over the system and operate in the flow of God’s blessings.

Visit website below for your copy!



Book Talk with Author DJaniera K. Hines


1. Tell us about your book. This Much is True is about my personal journey in life. It’s the story of a bi-curious twenty-five-year-old who finally discovers God’s purpose for her life.

2. What made you desire to write this book? Honestly, my brother. He’s my best friend and biggest inspiration, the epitome of who I hope to become. I’ve watched and admired him since we were kids, so that made my story easier to write.

3. How has this book impacted your life? I’ve never seen myself so dedicated to a project. I stayed long hours and made sure I got this book finished because it’s very important to me. Most importantly being able to share my truth. I’ve always been a shy individual so this was very therapeutic for me.

4. What do you hope readers take from your book? Please continue to hold on, He hears you. Absolutely nothing can separate us from God. He is always there to love us even when no one else is. No matter what comes up or how bad things may look for you, God is still there. When it seems like no one is there and you are left alone, God is there to listen and work things out on our behalf. Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy or peace today! Stay Encouraged and know with Him ALL things are possible. If nobody else tells you, I love you, God loves you.

5. Who is the most influential person in your life? My mother. She is the perfect example of what being strong is. My mom is my biggest supporter. I pray I am as influential to others that she has been to me.

6. If your book was made in to a movie, is there a particular actress that you’ll love to play your part? I prefer my best friend Kaleeshia because she’s been apart of my entire life.

7. Do you have any regrets? I don’t believe in regrets. It’s all apart of the learning process.

8.What’s your favorite movie? Why did you choose this one? Omg! The Breakfast Club. That’s the only movie I could watch for hours. Who else has the best soundtrack.

9. What’s your favorite type of music? I really love old R&B and old hip hop music For example, Anita Baker, Luther Vandross, The Isley Brothers, Lionel Richie, A Tribe Called Quest, WuTang, Scarface, Mobb Deep, Jay Z etc.

10. Final words. Where can readers purchase your book and what final words do you want to leave?

You can preorder my book “This Much is True” at the direct link.


I encourage each one to purchase my book it’s worth it. So whatever you’re going through right now please see it in the bright light. Your pain is always your gain. No one can take away the strength you have gained. Never stop spreading love because that’s the frequency in everything this world is made of, only by spreading love is how we all will heal.

