Run the Race!!!

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Reviewed by Cheryl E. Rodriguez for Readers’ Favorite

T.K. Ware’s Run the Race: 50 Days of Inspiration conveys the truth of the Bible coupled with motivational and imaginative insights. Each day starts with an enticing title that tempts your curiosity, such as “Aspire and Inspire,” “Live and Thrive,” and “Are you Motivated or Stagnated?” Right out of the starting block, you are challenged by what motivates you, encouraged to always be yourself, and to discover your potential. Along the way there are famous quotations and ample passages of scripture to encourage you in your daily walk or sprint to your next destination, or the marathon of life. No matter what kind of race you are in, the mind can create weighty burdensome obstacles. Run the Race is the quintessence of Hebrews 12:1, reminding us to throw aside all unnecessary weight, anything that entangles us, allowing us to run our race with endurance.

Run the Race: 50 Days of Inspiration is both scriptural and subjective. T.K. Ware’s passion to pen a message of motivating force is realized. The writing style is creative, eloquent and poetic at times. The ongoing theme of faith without actions is dead is woven throughout the text. Ware focuses a great deal on mindsets and harmful thoughts. He repeatedly reminds the reader to let go of encumbrances and wrong thinking and to concentrate on destiny, goals and purpose. Ware pens several nuggets of truth, and shares many insightful idioms as well: “Just because you cannot discern an exit, doesn’t mean one isn’t provided.” However, my favorite quote is “Life is beautiful if you can enjoy its diverse moments of felicity.” T.K. Ware inspires you to run your race well and at your own pace.





Larry Isree has a gift….



I saw my friends die yesterday, one by one.

I beheld the events that led to their death. I must admit, I don’t read the Bible nor attend church regularly. Mistakes are common to me. My bad outweighs my good, so I don’t understand why this… whatever this is … happened to me.

My mother always told me the book of Revelations speaks about Heaven and Hell. I didn’t go to church, but I heard every sermon her pastor preached at least three times a week. I remember the last words she said to me while laying on her deathbed at St. Vincent Hospital. She looked at me through her hazel eyes and said, “Larry, one day the Lord is going to get your attention. I’ve already prayed for you, so I’ll know everything will be all right.” I never thought those words would be the last time I’d hear and see my mother alive. I’m all alone—my father and mother have passed, no brothers, no sisters, and the nearest relative is five hundred miles way. 64

I still don’t understand everything but yesterday my mother’s prayer came to pass. I still have the first Bible she gave me. Maybe it’s time to blow the dust off that Bible and crack it open.

It all seems surreal. I didn’t believe in Hell, but now I know it’s real. If I close my eyes, I can still see my friends burning in the flames of Hell. The stench of burnt sulfur was everywhere. I couldn’t stop gagging. Hideous creatures, of all shapes and sizes, viciously attacked their bodies nonstop like a lion lavishing a wounded gazelle. It all looked like a scene from a horror movie or better yet one of those gruesome Animal Planet documentaries about lions.

Please don’t look at me like I’m crazy. Maybe I am crazy. I don’t know what to think. Ok, let me try to explain what happened. A few weeks ago Joey Johnson died in a terrible accident. His little brother Thomas wanted to clear his mind, so he arranged a little outing with a few of his friends. I waited at my home for his arrival. My next few sentences may sound weird, but I’m going to give it to you straight. As I sat there, soft voices rang in my drums. I wasn’t spooked, but curious because those voices sounded like my parents. When I rose from the sofa, a bright light appeared and slowly expanded within the room. In the midst of the light I saw a man-like figure. Then, like a mighty rushing wind, a voice said, “Come up hither. I want to show you a few things.” From that moment, it was as if I was being hurled pass several horrible events. When the last person died in my vision, a bright light enclosed me again.

When I opened my eyes, I was back at the church, sitting on the pew. Before I could think, I jumped up and screamed … I mean yelled. Everyone probably assumed I was caught up in the service because Pastor Wellington and the congregation glanced in my direction. I quickly threw a smile their way and waved my hand. After a few minutes of gut-wrenching gazes, I slowly sat back down.

I closed my eyes and took in short increments of air, hoping to settle my nerves. My heart pounded like a marching band. Once the sound of my heart left my eardrums, I slowly glanced around the church and saw all of my friends sitting on the pews alive! Just a few minutes ago they were all suffering in the pits of Hell and now they’re alive! Tears streamed down my face like a running facet. Then ….