Think about it

Take a few minutes and think about your words before you speak. Don’t allow your emotions to control your speech. Sometimes its best to take a few steps back; take your finger off your phone and your computer. Is what you’re about to say really worth it? We must learn to walk away from certain responses until we have gain control of our emotions. Remember a balloon can only take so much pressure. It will eventually explode unless you allow it to deflate.

What race are YOU running?


A small book with a BIG MESSAGE of inspiration.

There are moments in life where everything seems to go in a blur. During those instances our mind can become influenced and control by external forces as we attempt to cope with day to day activities. In the meantime we mentally juggle our issues hoping to sort them out before they explode.

Sometimes all it takes is the right word to spark or ignite the faith that lingers within all of us. Everyone has their own journey and it helps when someone can pass along a baton of inspiration as we run the race. Many people hide behind a smile in order to shelter themselves from the world.

Uncontrolled emotions can wreck havoc upon self and others. It helps when wisdom is allowed to govern our affairs.

RUN THE RACE is not a declaration or a ministerial devotion of doctrine, but rather it is a few words of inspiration, a conversation of hope, created to aid your journey as you stride through life.

Stay Focused

When God gives you an assignment, everyone may not understand nor feel your passion. Stay focused on your mission. Don’t allow distractions to detour or erupt mountains of frustration. Remember that God sees your situation and He know the intent of your heart. Your gift will make room for you and those who doubted, either verbally or by shifting your focus, will behold the glory that shall shine upon you as the sun in the heavens.