In the small city of Banker, there are many lawyers, but only one ESQUIRE. The reputation of Charles “Esquire” Everson was well-known throughout the community and now all eyes are on his protégé, Theodore Walker.

One morning, Michael Ganvis barged into the office, barefooted with a gun in one hand, and a problem in the other. He’s on the run for robbery, attempted murder, and eluding police officers. As Theodore listens, he discovers that Michael is the brother of Pastor Thaddeus Ganvis—the pastor who was arrested for first-degree-murder and freed from the hands of the enemy by Charles “Esquire” Everson. But something doesn’t seem right about Michael’s testimony.

At the end of his confession, he surrendered his weapon and awaited the arrival of the police. Theodore pondered on the potential of the case, and dove headfirst with two agendas—to prove the innocence of Michael Ganvis and to prove, just like his mentor, that he can free a Ganvis from injustice.

The stakes are high, and everything is not what it seems.