Give the GIFT of inspiration

Hello Queen (Kindle Edition)

hmm (2)44 women sharing jewels of heart-wrenching testimonies, declarations, faith, encouragement, wisdom, knowledge, and empowerment!

Life is filled with avenues that can render you helpless and void of understanding. As we go through trials and tribulations, we oftentimes forget that nothing shall overtake us as long as our hope is anchored in Jesus. The way to cope with overwhelming circumstances is to trust God totally without reservation. Some people like to bargain with God and offer their trust if He does this or that.That is the wrong way of thinking, and thoughts like that will cause you to enter into a place of grief.

Our faith must be solid in hope. And our hope must be wrapped up in trust. Confidence comes out of trust. The more time you spend with someone the more you will discover their nature, character, and spirit. As we spend time with God, we will develop confidence, which will produce trust, and this will sky-rocket our faith. He has already made promises concerning us and declarations over us. His love for us cannot be moved and will never waver.
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